Monday, 24 August 2015

Diary Entry 3: 20/08/15
File:Ptolemaicsystem-small.pngAlthough i Issac Newton wasn't the first who started to ponder about the universe in fact there were physicists before me who theorized about how the universe worked. It was thought that the space around the outside of our planet were the starry heavens with a source of endless wonder and inspiration. people from all parts of the world started creating their own little myths and theories inspired by the skies and their belief in the celestial bodies. These "theories" are their explanations for their own place in the universe.
In the current time there are many ideas and theories, however through my own research of the new sciences and ideas i uncovered the most commonly accepted theory is the big band theory, i also found out that its a television show create by a company called the CBS, the show about four scientists and a blonde neighbour, but enough about entertainment back to the big bang theory. The big bang theory states that the universe as we know it started as a small singularity, this singularity was infinitely hot and had a infinite mass, then the singularity started to expand getting cooler and less dense over the next 13.8 billion years to the universe that we know today and is continuously expanding to this very day.

This theory was created by a well-known scientist named Albert Einstein, his "big bang" theory was create by using my laws and findings of motion as a basis and worked off that creating a meaning of how the universe came about using his general theory of relativity.

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